ADHD Diagnosis in Dubai

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that are more intense than typically observed. Recognizing and assessing ADHD is crucial in effectively addressing the disorder. Our comprehensive ADHD assessment process in Dubai is designed to accurately diagnose ADHD, differentiate it from other conditions, and establish a foundation for effective treatment and support. If you or someone you care about is struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, contact Zita Chriszto today to schedule your initial assessment.

Understanding ADHD and Its Impact

ADHD can significantly affect daily life, impacting focus, organization, and task completion. This disorder is not limited to children—adults can also struggle with it. Without proper diagnosis and management, ADHD can lead to academic underachievement, strained relationships, and diminished self-esteem. However, early detection and customized interventions can greatly improve outcomes, helping individuals manage symptoms and thrive.

Extensive ADHD assessment process in Dubai

Tailored ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment in Dubai

Our approach to ADHD care in Dubai is both comprehensive and individualized. Each treatment plan is personalized, combining medication, therapy, and lifestyle adjustments to enhance overall functionality and quality of life. By integrating cultural, educational, and individual factors, we ensure that our approach is holistic and tailored to each individual’s unique context.

Begin Your Journey with Expert Care

If you or someone you know is showing signs of ADHD, our experienced team in Dubai is ready to help. We offer a range of interventions tailored to improve cognitive function, emotional regulation, and overall productivity. Start your journey toward better management of ADHD and an enhanced quality of life by reaching out for an initial assessment today.

Contact Us Today

Start your journey toward better management of ADHD and an enhanced quality of life. Reach out for an initial assessment, and together, we can harness your strengths to lead a fulfilling life.

I am Zita Chriszto, a DHA licensed clinical psychologist based in Dubai. My professional approach is deeply rooted in providing compassionate, evidence-based care tailored to each individual’s needs.

ADHD Assessment in Dubai by Zita Chriszto

Frequently Asked Questions about ADHD

ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are both neurodevelopmental disorders, but they have distinct characteristics. ADHD is primarily characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. In contrast, autism involves difficulties in social communication, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. While they are different conditions, some individuals may exhibit symptoms of both, and there is some overlap in the challenges they face, such as difficulties with executive functioning and social interactions.

ADHD and ADD are terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is an outdated term that was used to describe individuals with attention problems but without the hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. Today, ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the official term used, and it includes three subtypes: predominantly inattentive presentation, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentation, and combined presentation.

ADHD medications, particularly stimulant medications like Adderall and Ritalin, have the potential for misuse and addiction, especially if not used as prescribed. However, when taken as directed under medical supervision, they are considered safe and effective for treating ADHD symptoms. Non-stimulant medications, such as Strattera, have a lower risk of addiction. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and discuss any concerns about medication with them.

ADHD is typically diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms can persist into adulthood. It is less common for ADHD to be diagnosed for the first time in adulthood, as the symptoms must have been present before the age of 12 according to diagnostic criteria. However, some adults may not have been diagnosed as children and only realize they have ADHD later in life as they face new challenges that bring their symptoms to light.

ADHD medications, especially stimulants, work by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine. These chemicals play a key role in attention and behavior regulation. By boosting these neurotransmitters, the medications help improve focus, reduce hyperactive and impulsive behaviors, and enhance overall cognitive function. Non-stimulant medications work differently but also aim to improve attention and impulse control.

Yes, ADHD can be managed without medication through various strategies and interventions. Behavioral therapy (e.g. DBT or CBT), and skills training can help individuals develop coping mechanisms and improve their organizational and time management skills. Additionally, lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep, and mindfulness practices, can also contribute to managing ADHD symptoms effectively. However, the combination of medication and behavioral interventions often provides the best outcomes for many individuals.

ADHD is diagnosed through a comprehensive assessment process that includes clinical interviews, rating scales and questionnaires, psychological testing, and sometimes physical examinations. Clinical interviews gather detailed information about symptoms, history, and daily functioning. Rating scales and questionnaires, completed by parents, teachers, and the individual, provide insights into the frequency and severity of symptoms. Psychological testing evaluates attention, executive functioning, memory, and emotional regulation. A physical examination may be conducted to rule out other medical conditions with similar symptoms.

Deciding whether to take ADHD medication is a personal decision that should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider. Medication can significantly reduce symptoms of ADHD and improve functioning in daily life, but it may also come with side effects. Your healthcare provider can help you weigh the benefits and risks, considering your specific symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. It’s essential to have an open and honest discussion with your provider to determine the best course of action for your situation.

ADHD can impact relationships in various ways. Symptoms such as inattention, forgetfulness, and impulsivity can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and conflicts in personal and professional relationships. Individuals with ADHD might struggle to remember important dates, complete tasks on time, or listen attentively during conversations, which can strain relationships. However, with proper management strategies, including communication skills training, behavioral therapy, and sometimes medication, individuals with ADHD can improve their interactions and maintain healthy relationships.

A comprehensive diagnostic process is crucial for accurately diagnosing ADHD and distinguishing it from other conditions with similar symptoms. This thorough approach includes in-depth interviews, behavioral assessments, psychological testing, and collaboration with other healthcare providers. By understanding the individual’s unique symptoms and circumstances, healthcare providers can develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses all aspects of the individual’s life, ensuring effective symptom management and overall improved quality of life.

Yes, ADHD and anxiety are often linked, and it is not uncommon for individuals with ADHD to also experience anxiety disorders. The symptoms of ADHD, such as difficulty focusing, disorganization, and impulsivity, can contribute to feelings of anxiety. Conversely, anxiety can exacerbate ADHD symptoms. Effective treatment often involves addressing both conditions simultaneously through a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.

ADHD symptoms can change over time and may appear to worsen due to increased responsibilities and stressors in adulthood. For example, an adult may face greater challenges in managing their symptoms when juggling work, family, and social obligations. However, with appropriate treatment and strategies, individuals can manage their symptoms effectively. It’s essential to continually assess and adjust treatment plans as needed to address the evolving nature of ADHD symptoms throughout life.

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Phone/Whatsapp: +971 58 566 9327


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Genesis Healthcare Center

Dubai Science Park Towers

North Tower

3rd & 4th Floor

Dubai Science Park

Dubai UAE


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    Zita Chriszto | Clinical Psychologist
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