In the vibrant city of Dubai, children from different backgrounds are growing up and overcoming their own unique challenges. For young people facing emotional, social or behavioral hurdles, child therapy offers a glimmer of hope that leads them to a brighter, more balanced future. I, Zita Chriszto, child psychologist in Dubai, specialize in therapy tailored to the differentiated needs of each child and family. When families reach out to us, they can begin a process aimed at improving their child’s mental health and wellbeing.

Children’s therapy in Dubai encompasses a spectrum of innovative and empathetic approaches aimed at unlocking the potential of each child. In play therapy, children find a voice for their feelings and experiences in the safe environment of toys and games, allowing them to express and heal naturally. Art therapy invites children to communicate through the universal language of creativity and gain insight into their inner world. For children struggling with more complex inner stories, Drawing Katathym-Imaginative Psychotherapy (KIP) facilitates emotional exploration and resolution through guided daydreaming and symbolic imagery. In integrative child therapy, the aim is to engage a child or young person in a truly meaningful dialogue with a variety of tools and approaches for self-expression and profound development.

For more details, you can find resources at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP).

How Child Therapy in Dubai Can Help Your Child

Find Compassionate Child Psychology Support in Dubai for Your Child's Well-Being

If you are looking for comprehensive support for your child’s emotional and psychological well-being and value the expertise of a professional who combines deep understanding with genuine empathy, I invite you to contact me. As a dedicated pediatric psychologist based in Dubai, I specialize in a variety of therapeutic approaches tailored to the individual needs of each young person. From cognitive behavioral therapy to creative expression through art and play, my practice is designed to support your child on their journey to a healthier, more balanced state of mind. Whether it’s managing the complexities of anxiety, addressing behavioral issues, or encouraging emotional growth, I am committed to creating a safe, supportive environment in which your child can thrive. Don’t hesitate to contact me for expert advice and compassionate care in Dubai so that together we can pave a path of resilience and emotional well-being for your child.

I am Zita Chriszto, a DHA licensed clinical psychologist based in Dubai. My professional approach is deeply rooted in providing compassionate, evidence-based care tailored to each individual’s needs.

Child Psychologist in Dubai

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Child Therapy

Child psychologists specialize in the mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being of children from infancy to adolescence. They offer a range of services, including:

  • Evaluations: Psychologists use various methods to assess a child’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential underlying issues.
  • Diagnosis: Based on evaluations, psychologists can diagnose mental health conditions, learning disabilities, and developmental delays.
  • Therapy: Child psychologists provide individual or family therapy to address behavioral problems, emotional struggles, and social challenges.
  • Consultation: They can consult with parents, teachers, and other professionals regarding a child’s needs and development.

Psychologists teach children coping mechanisms, emotion regulation skills and tools for managing social interactions. They can help to overcome problems such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, phobias and trauma. Psychologists also help children cope with grief, family conflict and school challenges.

Costs may vary depending on the psychologist’s experience, location, and insurance coverage. Some psychologists offer sliding-scale fees, and many health insurance companies cover the cost of therapy sessions. In Dubai, fees typically range between 700 and 1100 AED for a one-hour session. It is recommended that you contact your insurance company and the psychologist directly to clarify the cost structure.

Here are some signs that might indicate a child could benefit from a psychologist’s involvement:

  • Significant changes in behavior or mood
  • Difficulty managing emotions, like anxiety or anger outbursts
  • Changes in sleep or eating patterns
  • Social withdrawal or isolation
  • Academic struggles or learning difficulties
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  • Persistent sadness or changes in personality


Psychologists are qualified to diagnose autism spectrum disorders (ASD). They usually use standardized tests, observations and interviews with the child and parents to make a diagnosis. In some cases, a multidisciplinary assessment involving other specialists such as developmental pediatricians is recommended.

Yes, psychologists can diagnose ADHD in children. The diagnosis usually involves a comprehensive evaluation considering the child’s behavior at home, school, and other settings. Standardized tests and parent/teacher reports are also used.

In the first session, information is usually collected about the child’s history, symptoms and concerns. The psychologist may use questionnaires or interview the parents and the child (depending on age). This session is used to build rapport and determine the best course of treatment.

Ready to schedule your child's first therapy session?

Make An Appointment

Phone/Whatsapp: +971 58 566 9327


Our location


Genesis Healthcare Center

Dubai Science Park Towers

North Tower

3rd & 4th Floor

Dubai Science Park

Dubai UAE


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    Zita Chriszto | Clinical Psychologist
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