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Specialized care in Dubai's mental health

The Mental Health Challenges of Expatriates

Dubai has the unique characteristic of having 87 percent of its population come from the expatriate community.1 They are drawn to the city because of different reasons, which are usually financially motivated. For one thing, Dubai does not tax salaries, even for expatriates. It is also historically an economic stronghold, so opportunities are more likely to rise. However, one issue to deal with is the mental health challenges of expatriates.

While living in Dubai does offer many advantages for expatriates, there is a trade-off. Expatriates are at a higher risk for mental health issues such as substance abuse, depression, and anxiety.2 For those planning on moving to Dubai — or any other city — there are ways to protect your mental health. In Dubai, mental health professionals can provide the care, such as therapy or medication, necessary to transition into a new environment more smoothly.

A multi-cultural group of expatriates work together at the office

Factors in the Mental Health Challenges of Expatriates

There is a saying that goes, “The only thing permanent in life is change.” While true, it does not make life transitions any easier. One of the biggest difficulties of an expatriate is the culture shock. One can prepare as much as one can beforehand, but reality can hit differently. Any type of big change can be disconcerting. After the initial excitement wears off, it is normal to feel overwhelmed by the language barrier, new customs, and even meeting a different set of people. It takes time to acclimate. In the meantime, a person can feel lonely and isolated. Additionally, moving inevitably transforms the usual support support systems into long-distance relationships. These can be more challenging to maintain.

Another reason why an expatriate can experience mental health challenges is they can feel pressured by the new environment. In cases where the move is because of work, there is a financial aspect that cannot be ignored. An expatriate package can be one of the most expensive expenses for a company.3 For the person receiving it, they can feel the weight of having to deliver.

Finally, some people already have existing mental health issues that can be exacerbated by life transitions, such as moving to a different place.

A woman sits with a therapist to address mental health challenges

Self-Care to Support Expatriate Mental Health

For expatriates who want to be proactive with their mental health, there are some ways that they can improve their wellbeing. First, getting enough rest is important. This is a small step that can produce big results. Rest, especially getting enough sleep, is vital to a person’s physical and mental health.

Sleeping and mental health difficulties are also linked.4 It is during sleep that the chemicals that control moods and emotions are regulated. If there is enough sleep, a person can feel depressed and anxious. Expatriates can have additional challenges that there may be a period where time differences can factor in. However, it

Another way to address the mental health challenges of expatriates is to be physically active. Taking time to, quite literally, walk away from work to exercise can be a great — also literally — exercise. Exercise gives a person a sense of accomplishment. Also, there are certain chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, which can improve mood. Even short walks or a yoga class can help.

Finally, expatriates should be intentional in pursuing a work-life balance. A person should seek out activities they enjoy. This is especially true for people who are new to the city. Seeking out new experiences can help twofold. First, they can help a person mentally check out of work. Second, it is a great way to meet new people and establish new support systems.

Professional Mental Health Care for Expatriates

Receiving mental health assistance in a new city has certain barriers. Examples of these are the language and a person’s desire and ability to seek help. In finding assistance, it is important to consider the context of a person. Imagine this: you are new to a city and need mental health support. You will have to research professionals in the area and find recommendations. Not only do you need to figure out the credentials, but you also consider if the language and the cultural nuances are compatible. Finding mental health help is not an easy task, and being in a different place can be another consideration that makes it more complex.

Fortunately, these complications do not make it impossible. In Dubai, there are many private and public places that offer psychological services. Teleconsultation is also an option. A person can seek help from wherever they are. For expatriates, this means that they are no longer confined by the city they are currently in. If they are more comfortable with someone from their home country, they can seek mental health assistance online.

When it comes to attitudes towards mental health, stigma still exists in Dubai. However, this is changing.5 People are more open to receiving help and they are also more receptive to when others get it. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are ways to overcome the stigma surrounding mental health. Part of it is to seek out the help that is needed in the first place.

Conclusion: Focusing on Mental Health as an Expatriate

Expatriates face both opportunities and challenges when they start a new life in a different place. They can experience excitement, but also feel lonely and isolated. For some people, this can trigger mental health concerns. These should not be taken lightly because a person’s quality of life can be affected. It also leads to more serious issues such as anxiety and depression.

In Dubai, professional help is quite accessible. Expatriates can avail of services from public hospitals and private practices. Teleconsultations are also an option. A person can also find support from communities such as groups or forums. Whatever the choice, it is important is to establish a way to navigate the particular challenges of adjusting to life in a new city.

Cited Sources:

  1. Nelken-Zitser, J. (2025, March 6). As expats flock to Dubai, living costs are surging. Salaries not so much. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/expats-flock-dubai-living-costs-surge-salaries-flat-challenge-jobs-2025-3 ↩︎
  2. Truman, S. D., Sharar, D. A., & Pompe, J. C. (2011). The mental health status of expatriate versus US domestic workers: A comparative study. International Journal of Mental Health40(4), 3-18. ↩︎
  3. Andreason, A. W. (2003). Expatriate adjustment to foreign assignments. International Journal of commerce and management13(1), 42-60. ↩︎
  4. Scott AJ, Webb TL, Martyn-St James M, Rowse G, Weich S. Improving sleep quality leads to better mental health: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Sleep Med Rev. 2021 Dec;60:101556. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101556. Epub 2021 Sep 23. PMID: 34607184; PMCID: PMC8651630. ↩︎
  5. Andrade, G., Bedewy, D., Elamin, A.B.A. et al. Attitudes towards mental health problems in a sample of United Arab Emirates’ residents. Middle East Curr Psychiatry 29, 88 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43045-022-00255-4 ↩︎

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