In psychology, motivation is the desire that directs a person’s actions to achieve a goal. How motivated a person is can determine how much effort or resistance they put into certain tasks. For example, athletes are motivated to win, so they feel the need to train regularly. They have a goal they want to achieve, so they do what they can to go after it. On the other hand, people who are demotivated may act like they do not care about the task or end up procrastinating. Since people almost always have goals, it is useful to learn strategies on how to stay motivated.

What are the sources of motivation?
Each person is on their own development journey, so there are different paths for people on how to stay motivated. However, motivation is generally classified into intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is when inspiration comes from within. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is when the drive comes from outside forces, like the pursuit of a reward. A good example is exercise. A person who exercises because it feels good is intrinsically motivated. If they exercise to reach a certain weight, then the motivation is extrinsic.
I believe it is important to know these distinctions because it can help people to stay motivated. Extrinsic motivations are particularly useful for tasks that are not particularly interesting for a person. Think of child doing chores to avoid getting in trouble with their parents. Very few children delight in taking on household responsibilities, but there is an incentive for them to do so. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is more effective when there are long-term goals because it does not depend on rewards or punishments.
Practical techniques on how to stay motivated
Have a clear vision of your success
You should know exactly what your goals are, and you should feel excited when you think about it. If you do not know exactly what success looks like, it will be challenging to put in the work to achieve it. As a psychologist, I know the importance of narratives in personal growth. You can frame your thoughts to serve you.
Having visual representations like mood boards or journals can help people who are struggling with how to stay motivated. The process of creating these can be a pleasurable experience in itself. They can also help keep track of milestones.
One thing to note is that the success you define for yourself is not an idea that is set in stone. You can revise and change them as your goals change.

Acknowledge your achievements
You can stay motivated by reflecting on the goals you already achieved. This method works because it promotes consistency. If you can identify your successes, then the effort does not feel futile. It also provides an opportunity to reflect on the things you still want to achieve.
Acknowledging your achievements also helps because motivation often comes in waves. It usually starts out high, then ebbs after a while. Punctuating the work with moments of celebration is good for morale and helps reset your motivation.
Find a support system
In the book “Social Support: An Interactional View”, authors Barbara Sarason, Irwin Sarason, and Gregory Pierce explore the role of support systems in interpersonal relationships. They note that a person’s social network can be influential in many ways. First, they can give emotional support, such as empathy or reassurance. Another type of support is informational, which can be given through feedback and guidance.1
These are the things that motivation needs in order to thrive. Feedback and recognition are essential for how to stay motivated. If you have ever felt the thrill of getting a compliment on your work, then this is exactly what it means. Positive reinforcement validates certain behaviors. Even if there is a need for improvement, a support system can provide constructive criticism or even advice. In both cases, the support system helps people to continue with their goals.
Break down big goals into smaller milestones
Ayelet Fishbach, in a study on self-motivation, suggests that people do better when they have SMART goals. This stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. If your goal sounds vague, it will be harder to stay motivated. For example, “becoming smarter” may sound like a reasonable desire. However, smart can mean different things. Are you talking about gaining street smarts or getting a second degree? Both are valid, but the steps to achieving them are wildly different. You can stay the course if you plan out the steps to get where you want to go.
It is not always easy to stay motivated. In fact, there are some instances when it feels better to just relax and keep the status quo. However, responding to the desire to do things, get better, or have a sense of purpose can give results that make it worth the effort. Understanding what motivation is can help you achieve your personal objectives and ultimately, lead to a feeling of greater well-being.
Cited Sources
- Sarason, B. R., Sarason, I. G., & Pierce, G. R. (Eds.). (1990). Social support: An interactional view. John Wiley & Sons.