Historically, people in the Arab region gave importance to mental health. As early as 918 CE, citizens of Baghdad and Cairo established some of the world’s first psychiatric hospitals. However, this early start does not translate to the current state of mental health in the Arab region. Some researchers suggest that mental health services fail to meet global standards.1
People who want to learn more about the state of mental health care in the area need to know that the Arab region is quite diverse. Also known as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), it comprises 22 countries, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“Arab” refers to both the language and the culture. However, despite these shared features, countries are vastly different in terms of economic and cultural characteristics. For example, some cities such as Dubai became more urban and gained economic development rapidly. This led to citizens experiencing a greater quality of life.2

What is the State of Mental Health in the Arab Region?
Mental health does not vary much in different parts of the world. For example, schizophrenia occurs about 1 percent of the population worldwide while anxiety and depression affect at least 10 percent of people.3 Reporting may be due to stigma rather than differences in the rate of mental health problems.
In this region, people consider mental health a critical aspect of healthcare. The population stood at 473 million people in 2023. The United Nations predicts that it will reach 598 million by 2050.4 Similarly, mental health disorders are increasing. In a 2019 study, researchers found that the Disability-Adjusted Life Years rate of mental disorders in Middle Eastern and North American countries rose by almost 14 percent from 1990 to 2019.5
Country in Focus: The United Arab Emirates
Policymakers are increasingly focusing on the importance of mental health in the Arab region. For example, the UAE has the federal decree of mental health, which is a law that “aims to preserve the rights and dignity of the psychiatric patients, reduce the negative effects of mental conditions on them, their families and the society, and promote their social integration.”6
Laws such as these indicate the country’s agenda when it comes to mental health. According to the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention, the country aspires to have the best healthcare system in the world. This includes improving the framework of mental health.
There are significant improvements that have been made over the years. In the past, it was not uncommon for citizens to travel abroad to receive certain types of care. This has since changed with more hospitals and clinics offering mental health services.7 Al Amal Hospital in Dubai is the first internationally accredited hospital specializing in mental health in the Middle East.
Challenges of Mental Health in the Arab Region
Many countries in the Arab region have made great strides when it comes to mental health. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed.
Much like in other parts of the world, mental health issues are still subject to stigma because of lack of knowledge and negative attitudes towards it. This can result in some people refusing to get help. However, there are signs of improvement. Some governments have taken action to reduce the stigma.
For example, the Dubai Health Authority introduced the first inclusive mental health strategy in 2016. Called “Happy Lives, Healthy Communities”, some of its goals were to work with the community to remove the shame associated with mental illness and to empower patients.
While programs such as these have led to improvements when it comes to attitudes towards mental health, stigma still continues to be the biggest barrier to mental health care in the region.
Another challenge to addressing concerns regarding mental health in the Arab region is the lack of information. Mental health is a healthcare issue. Thus, patients with conditions and illnesses need to be treated with evidence-based strategies to achieve the best results. In some countries, experts do not always know how many people have disorders like anxiety and depression. Compared to existing scientific literature in Western countries, there are not enough studies related to the mental health needs in the region.
As a psychologist, I think this is a significant point because mental health has a cultural aspect. The illness is the same no matter where it is found. However, patients manifest the disorder depending on the culture where it happens. Researchers use the data they find to extrapolate characteristics like risk factors and complications to make treatment guidelines. Thus, gathering data specific to the country is important.
Areas of Improvement for Mental Health in the Arab Region
The rate of mental health in the Arab region has generally remained consistent over the past 20 years. However, there are some points of concern. The MENA region is considered a global hotspot because of the proportion of mental health disorders it experiences. For countries like Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, and Qatar, the share of mental health conditions as a share of the total disease burden is beyond the global average of 5 percent.8
The Healthcare System
Policymakers can address this concern by strengthening the healthcare system and ensuring they are consistent with global standards. However, the implementation of these standards should be tailored to fit local needs. Resources such as budgets or communication alliances should be given to areas that require the most need. Stakeholders like institutions, mental health staff, and educational or professional bodies should also be engaged to come up with localized solutions for communities.
Research Investment
Mental health policy goals rely on epidemiology, or the study of how and why diseases occur in people. Experts usually consider factors like duration, frequency, geographic variation, and severity of an illness when formulating policies to combat them. Knowledge is the foundation of a disease’s management and prevention. This principle also applies to mental health. Thus, funding for research plays a key role in crafting strategies for concerns regarding mental health in the Arab region.
Ending Stigma
People in the Arab region have benefited from more acceptance and understanding regarding mental illness in recent years. However, stigma still plays a significant role. This comes from a lack of understanding of what mental health is.
Education and communities can have a considerable impact on this outlook. Cultural features like strong family ties and religious beliefs can be leveraged positively to provide support. The Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi recommends ways to cope with the stigma, which includes getting support from families and friends.

Conclusion: Moving Forward with Optimism
Mental health is an essential part of healthcare. In the MENA region, countries should invest in programs to help their citizens improve their mental wellness. Research indicates that mental health does not just benefit the individual, but also improves the social and economic aspects of a country. Fortunately, countries in this region are putting the spotlight on mental health care more. Almost all countries in the Arab region have a mental health policy.
For example, the USA identified five objectives when it comes to mental health. These are:
- Enhancing the effectiveness of the promotion of awareness of mental health
- Developing, strengthening, and expanding comprehensive, integrated, and responsive mental health services for patients of all ages
- Strengthening multi-sectoral collaboration to implement mental health promotion policy
- Promoting the prevention of mental disorders for people of all ages
- Strengthening capacities improving information systems and conducting mental health research to develop their services.9
With these, the UAE acknowledges the role of mental health and prioritizes it to lead to improved outcomes for its population.
However, there are differences in how these plans are implemented into action. These often vary from country to country. Factors like economic resources or security and stability influence the effectiveness of the strategies.
Cited Sources
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- Sadik, Ali Tawfik Al, ‘Macroeconomic Overview’, in Abdulrazak Al Faris, and Raimundo Soto (eds), The Economy of Dubai (Oxford, 2016; online edn, Oxford Academic, 24 Mar. 2016), https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198758389.003.0002, accessed 11 Jan. 2025. ↩︎
- https://www.natureasia.com/en/nmiddleeast/article/10.1038/nmiddleeast.2012.103 ↩︎
- https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/migration/arabstates/82ffad4b78310d2c53a234b403d5f5fefd4462ac968218e0c366738c45c37231.pdf ↩︎
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- World Health Organization. Mental health Atlas country profile 2014. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mental_ health/evidence/atlas/profiles-2014/are.pdf
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↩︎ - https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/health-and-fitness/mental-health
This is a crucial topic! How can we effectively tackle the stigma surrounding mental health in the Arab region to improve research and treatment outcomes?