Dubai has all the ingredients of an urban landscape: a vibrant skyline, a host of entertainment options, and a flourishing economy. It is known as one of the fastest-growing cities in the world, and it lives up to its reputation. The city has much to offer in terms of lifestyle and opportunities. However, living in a bustling cosmopolitan city like Dubai can have mental health effects on a person who is constantly exposed to its fast pace.

Your perception of time has mental health effects
If there is one thing that distinguishes this era of human existence it is that time moves faster for us. I think that people do not operate as clocks do. A clock will tell you the measurement of time. On the other hand, humans operate more on perceptions.
Scientists have been fascinated with this idea for more than a century. One field of study theorizes that the brain essentially is its own timekeeper. Warren H. Meck of Duke University conducted functional MRI research and concluded that there are different neural areas that process time.1 If this is true, then it is not unreasonable to think that outside factors such as emotions play a part in how time passes for us.
In fact, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi of Claremont Graduate University studied how pleasurable experiences affect time. They noted that when people concentrate on an enjoyable activity, a feeling they called “flow”, time felt like it was moving quickly.2 In this case, I believe their study gives credence to the old adage of, “time flies when you are having fun”.
But, what happens when you are not? Life in the big city can be overwhelming, especially during different life stages. In this case, time can feel like it is moving slowly. A person can feel stuck, and in a dynamic city like Dubai, this can mean suffering negative mental health effects.
The city and your mental health
It is not just the perception of time that influences the experience of living in Dubai. Studies indicate that the risk of encountering mental health difficulties increases when you live in the city. One reason for this is people tend to feel more overstimulated in urban areas.
Cities have dense populations and are often noisy and polluted. There are advertisements and billboards everywhere. Aside from these external stimuli, people can also feel pressure to keep up with the pace of their peers or live up to the financial pressures of a city lifestyle. The end effect is feeling overloaded. Over time, this can lead to feelings of anxiety, chronic stress, and even depression.
Another reason why cities can cause a strain on mental health is that there is less access to the usual protective factors. For example, there is a psychological benefit to strong social connections. People living in the city may have fewer opportunities to develop a support system. Another example is that rest as a crucial aspect of mental health. In cities like Dubai, you have to be proactive to get your downtime.

It is important to note that cities like Dubai do not just have negative mental health effects. It offers plenty of career and personal opportunities that can fulfill a person’s need for achievement. Densely populated areas do not have to be faceless and anonymous. The different cultures and communities can be harnessed to create a diverse support system. Finally, cosmopolitan cities tend to be more open to mental health concerns. Mental health services are more accessible and there is less stigma when it comes to seeking professional help.
According to the World Economic Forum, 55 percent of the world’s population live in cities. It states, “while this influx of new residents will put stress on urban infrastructure, it also presents an enormous opportunity to address persistent social problems, with mental illness being one of the most significant.”
Thus, city living can also be a venue to get mental health solutions and improve a person’s sense of well-being.
Conclusion: Time matters
Living in Dubai can feel you feel like the city is going at a different momentum. The city’s abundant opportunities and how people react to these can contribute to this perception. By recognizing how this facet of time affects mental health, you can manage your experiences better.
Time’s connection to emotions and ultimately, your mental health is especially relevant in big cities like Dubai where there is always somewhere to go, something to do, and someone to meet. For better or for worse, you respond to its inherent fast pace.